Destan episode 12 Urdu Subtitles free

Destan episode 12 Urdu Subtitles.The way to lock the cage and says that he is unconscious, he goes from there, he sees the bargain in the tent, then he says, “What work do you do to the soldier in such a way, then he falls.” Alwjaja comes with a car and it reveals that the net has been rescued for the fact that the behavior of Ravi was actually rescued to run the fire so that both the believers

Die are burnt and against Allegory. There is no evidence of any evidence to the tent, and despite the effort, it does not even open the cage and try to protect the trauma, Timor is unconscious, Timur also comes there and what does the fire look for?

Destan Episode 12 in Urdu Subtitles

The tent is burnt that the tent comes near the tent, shadowing their arms on behalf of their arms that the talks are not harmful to the community and the talks are trapped in the fire, and the tent is burnt. Timor also reaches and tries to open a trash hacker, then it says that you will have to bite, but stop them and put your arm ahead.

Destan episode 12 Urdu Subtitles
Destan episode 12 Urdu Subtitles

It is so far from the time of Timor’s horse running in front of Al-Hajj, and wants to go to the tent toward the tent. Removes the keys and throws the tabernacle and the mask comes out there from there, Timor opens the hacker and all the people came out of the tent and tells the wilderness that they have escaped.

Destan Episode 12 in English Subtitles

They go from there before they do not take any see, on the other hand, in the tribe of Balaamir, the bodies standing in the alpagu tents are standing in the alphabet tab, people who are swinging, seem to pray to the tanker and say that my soldiers say After praying for his mercy in heaven, Alpawo keeps swords on the bodies of soldiers.

Kaya also does the same. Alpago is suffering from severe grief. Then the hand raises and again prays for the swords against the devil of soldiers. Then Alpagu soldiers command to take their dimensions to burst. The soldiers are taking their mothers. If it comes to Alpago ask what the news is to bring.

Destan Episode 12 with Urdu Subtitles

He says that we could detect a lot of effort about the top Mir and Batoga but could not figure something. Alpago is in severe trauma. Kaya says that Baba has begun to burst these soldiers. Do you know or not live? But Alpago says that they know, but I do not even know that it is not alive.

Alpago Khan and Causes commands that gather the leaders of the tribes here so that they can also see and tell their spies to know about the Bath. I will not go to the palace until there is no news. They both go. Alpago is getting crazy with anger. Talking to the cave, when I kidnapped Tai Sui, there was a force in the prison.

Destan Episode 12 with English Subtitles

It is said that it was saved for me. When I came, I needed a prisoner and he told me that he is going to catch Yaman and Salma. Talking gives water to drink it and says who we brought here. So the Timor comes and says, “We have brought and angry with anger.” The third time the trash catches his hand.

The right is also up. Timor leaves her hand and goes out like an angered elephant. Pets say that it will be some time to accept it. Cleans say that it does not tell the Alpagg. Salvador says that it is lucky to know that only the address is running and talking about the diagrams. Destan episode 12 Urdu Subtitles

Destan Episode 12 in Urdu Subtitles

He is with you and he gives knees ahead before the brochure and the throat, and the throat is found to each other, then it is conscious, then he asks Timor, he said, “He is safe, he is safe.” Warriors asks if Taiyai said that Taiyi had tied them with chains, but the Timor and the Emperor were not ready to leave them, they also survived.

Destan Episode 12 in English Subtitles
Destan Episode 12 in English Subtitles

Tell the Taiya Sui has abducted the talk, which was saved against Alpago for years ago, Alpagu will immediately find out, and will throw you in the steps of Alpago, the cave also says that Alpago Take my life, but your name will not come, but if it happened, then we will be destroyed, I will be able to kill Iaqis Winter.

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If it says to go behind faith, the dog says to eat it, it also insists that eating something will then tell you that what is in mind is that it is not needed. There was no one else that he said, “He says that he was hiding his face, and he says to go behind the winter and Yemen, then the tribe stops it,

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and tells the situation to know the situation, then it comes to Timor. And it says, “Tell you what to do with you, what should I do wrong with you, or insult you like your brother or put your rope in your neck like yourself?” What do you do with yourself? Why did you hide your years and deceived us? Talking remains silent.

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