Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 91 In Urdu Subtitles Free

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They will always face failure. Thank God we are all fine. Let’s go to the horses now. Saying this, ‘Uthman and his soldiers go towards the horses. On the other hand, the oil convoy had reached the Kai tribe. Brother Songhar says to a soldier. Search the caravan thoroughly. Then all the men on the horse carriage are searched.Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 91 In Urdu.

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 27 In Urdu

And then Brother Sugar gets in the car and inspects the oil drums. Seeing the oil coming out of a drum, Brother Soomro asks the chief of the caravan. Next time, close these drums properly. Otherwise, the oil may be lost. They then allow the caravan to enter. On the other hand, Uthman and his soldiers reach their destination on horseback.

Kurulus Osman Season # Episode 91

When the soldiers start walking toward the tribal route, Usman stops them. Soldiers, you guys are going the wrong way. We have to go to Aznik. All the soldiers were astonished to hear this. We are ‘Uthman until we make all the disbelievers taste good. Our swords will not go back to the scabbard.Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 91 In Urdu.

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 91 In Urdu Subtitles

Hearing this, all the soldiers put their hands on their chests and obeyed Uthman’s order. And then they all go on the path of Aznik. Oil drums were being lowered in many tribes. While looking at the drums above, I was lost in thought.Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 91 In Urdu Subtitles.

Gonche comes to Bala and stops Bala. Goncha asks seeing Bala upset. You are upset for Usman. Bala says my heart is restless. I can’t calm down even though I want to. Seljan, who was standing nearby, said, “If you think well, it will be good, daughter.” We have to go inside so that the evidence does not get cold.Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 91 In Urdu Subtitles.

Kurulus Osman Season 3 episode 27 Urdu Subtitles

On hearing this, Goncha and Bala go inwards from there. Saljan comes to the oil drums and asks the chief of the caravan. Tell me where this oil is coming from. The man says we are bringing this oil from the car. “I know the place well,” says Seljan. The oil there is very good. Brother Sangu takes off the lid of the drama.

So Saljan tastes the oil and says to the chief of the caravan. This oil does not taste like the oil there. This year’s harvest did not go well. The head of the caravan says that every year the grain of Saljan is the same. This year such goods have come. Saljan says to his brother. Then you guys also pay the price according to the oil.Kurulus Osman Episode 91 in Urdu Subtitles.

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 91 In Urdu

Saying this, Saljan leaves from there. Nicola, on the other hand, was tired of looking for Usman in the forest. Nicola tells his commander that this time Usman was in my hands. But he still ran away. Nicola goes mad in anger and says running. If Usman ever falls into my hands again. So I’ll put it in pieces.Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 91 In Urdu Subtitles.

Nicola pauses and says aloud. This is my area, Usman. I will not let you out of here. These mountains are my mountains. These cities and castles are mine. Nicola draws his sword and digs into the ground and says you are also in my possession, Othman. I know what I have to do with you now. Now I will cut your hands, feet and toes into small pieces.

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 91 In Urdu by tv25urdu

And I will throw you into a cage full of wolves and wolves. Together they will tear you to pieces. Nicola says it will be a weak death for you Osman. Nicola pulls her sword out of the ground. I will cut off my head with the sword in my hand and hang it behind my horse. And then I will take you to visit all the Kaman tribes.

Nicola raises her sword and says I will show everyone. Whether he dares to stand up against Nicola.This is the end of it. Nicola cleanses the blood with her sword He says looking at the blood on it. Look, Othman, this blood is your blood. I will drink your blood.Kurulus Osman Episode 91 in Urdu Subtitles.

Kurulus Osman Episode 91 in Urdu Subtitles

Othman, whenever any one of your generation will try to raise a rebellious head. Then someone from my generation will crush his head. Nicola says, dipping her sword into it and circling it. Don’t think that you have won this war. Don’t think that you have beaten me. This war will end tonight, Usman.

Nicola asks Argos Do you understand Argos Argos says Got it sir. Nicola says we are going to every Mankaya castle. Saying this, they leave. On the other side, the view of Aznik fort is shown. Meanwhile, a governor approaches the fortress of Aznik. So the fortifier says welcome.Kurulus Osman Episode 91 in Urdu Subtitles.

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 27 In Urdu

What news have you brought to me? The governor says, “I have brought you good news. The emperor congratulates you on your services. They say you should rest now. And this command they have given forever. Aziz’s fortifier says will you depose me in front of my soldiers.Kurulus Osman Episode 91 in Urdu Subtitles.

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The governor says the last order in this area belongs to the emperor. The fortress tells his soldiers. The soldiers take out Governor Sagruz. Hearing this, if the soldiers of the fort do not make any movement, then the fort seems to run. Governor Sagro, not only your soldiers but the whole city will now follow my orders.Kurulus Osman Episode 91 in Urdu Subtitles.

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