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Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 89 In Urdu Subtitles Free

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 89 In Urdu.Has united You know that Ayana Cola has martyred many Muslims. How will our soldiers support Anacola? Usman Sahib also heard this and said: I am more aware of all these things than you. I will never forget the promise I made to my martyrs and maybe you do not know.

that the emperor allowed me to rule over all the governors if he tried to deceive me And he unites with the living. So I will wipe the hell out of the mirror with my own hands and the emperor will not be able to lift a finger against me. Eventually, after listening to Usman’s words,

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 25 In Urdu

the chiefs of all the tribes became satisfied. And they are ready to support Usman Sahib. Viewer episode number one hundred and fifty-five came to an end. See you next time with the next video. Good Bye. Hello viewers, episode number one hundred and fifty six starts like this.

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 89 In Urdu
Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 89 In Urdu

As soon as Ayesha finds out that Usman Sahib has joined Kai tribe, she gets very upset by him and she asks Mulhan Khatun what will be done with my husband now. Mulhan Khatun is also Usman Sahib. She does not know about the decision and she is worried and says that your husband tried to snatch my son from me.

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 89 In Urdu Subtitles

while you saved my son’s life and protected him and he handed over Ghazi to me. I hope that insha’Allah everything will be fine you don’t have to worry What did he tell Gayato? He says to Usman Sahib: I told Gayato that I will not hand over my soldiers to Gayato. He disobeyed me and now he is stubborn that you will come to my place with horses and soldiers.Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 89 In Urdu

Gaya then only asked about the soldiers of our tribe. Gondoz says no. I also asked about you and I told them that I do not know about the place of Uthman because Uthman keeps changing his places so I hurry. Soon I will pretend to look for you at Gayato’s request and so Gayato will never be able to doubt me.Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 89 In Urdu

Kurulus Osman Season 3 episode 25 Urdu Subtitles

There was no doubt in your mind that you have become an expert in deceiving people. They are very embarrassed to hear this and they have no words to say to ‘Uthman because he already remembers his mistakes. They are weeping and then they say to Usman sahib: You are right about what you said about me but I am not like these unjust people.

because I have never wronged anyone, I am only with these unjust people. Usman Sahib is trapped because of giving You have been fooled and you have become a part of the sins of these people. In any case, a believer should be very intelligent.Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 89 In Urdu

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 89 In Urdu

If his enemy tries to put honey in his mouth, do not speak sweetly against his enemy, and as far as our uncle Damdar is concerned, you know how he was treated for treason. I don’t think you are so stupid. You should learn a lesson from our uncle’s incident.Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 89 In Urdu

And he drew his sword and held it in the hand of ‘Uthman and said: As I have said to you before that my blood is lawful for you, you can take my life unless you forgive me in the right way. There will be no peace. Either you forgive me in the right way or kill me with your own hands.Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 89 In Urdu

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 89 In Urdu by tv25urdu

“I only wanted to forgive you so that you could see the truth and take off the blindfold of deception. I have forgiven you, but I have never forgiven all these things I will not forget what you did to my family and what happened to my tribe,Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 89 In Urdu

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 89 In Urdu
Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 89 In Urdu

Kurulus Osman Episode 89 in Urdu Substitles

that is, I will remember all these things as long as I am alive. I will remember what I did wrong and my brother still forgave me Usman sahib gondoz bhai ear even if you forget all these things never come back to the tribe because you know That I behead the traitors.Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 89 In Urdu

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This conversation continues. At the same time, the crisis enters this tent and then Usman Sahib tells the crisis to go to the women and tell them that they are at the table to eat. Wait for me. Audience. After that you will see that Gangur also reaches the area of ​​Sagood to meet Wazir Alam Shah. He managed to escape from their attack but he still doesn’t understand

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